Gamiani, attributed to Alfred de Musset and illustrated by Félicien Rops (1866)

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Gamiani, attributed to Alfred de Musset and illustrated by Félicien Rops (1866)


ADM [Alfred de Musset, attributed to]. Gamiani, ou Deux nuits d’excès [1833]. Illustrations by Félicien Rops. En Hollande [Brussels: Poulet-Malassis], 1866. Kinsey Institute Library: 843.7 M98 g2 1874.


Probably the most famous French pornographic novel of the nineteenth-century, reissued more than forty times after its first publication in 1833, Gamiani, ou Deux nuits d’excès [Gamiani, or Two Nights of Excess] is commonly attributed—without conclusive evidence—to the French Romantic poet, playwright, and novelist Alfred de Musset (1810-1857). The novel recounts, over the course of two nights, the transgressive sexual experiences of Countess Gamiani, Fanny, and Alcide, including zoophilia and necrophilia. The edition exhibited here, which contains a symbolic frontispiece and four explicit illustrations by Félicien Rops, was most likely clandestinely printed for the exiled French publisher Auguste Poulet-Malassis in Brussels in 1866.

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“Gamiani, attributed to Alfred de Musset and illustrated by Félicien Rops (1866),” Banned Books, accessed February 15, 2025,

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